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Crowd Gate

After France, Mexico has the largest Rodin collection in the world. This installation was made for the centenary exhibition after August Rodin's dead. (partner exhibition with the Rodin Museum in Paris). The piece aludes to what has happened in Mexico in the last 100 years: the presidential chair and its occupants ever since, the Mexican Revolution and iconic heroes (which was going on at the time), revolutionary soldiers who perished during those years of war, the ongoing drug war in Mexico, which started in 2006 and its countless resulting victims, war survivors with extreme facial injuries, Mesoamerican rituals and believes (the spinning elements, or Voladores de Papantla, hanging from the ceiling) which reference a continues uncertainty for immigrants in the U.S. In addition to that, the piece displays different studies of human figures and elements in motion and contortion. Instead of sculpting gates, as Rodin did, I decided to sculpt a portal in which the viewer can be on either side.

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